Monday, October 20, 2008

My poor Baby!

We have had several episodes where Kensley has started running a fever and throwing up. This past week was the 3rd time she has been in the hospital and they can't find the cause. There is another test they can run, but it is alot of radiation for her, so they didn't want to do it. If we have another they will have to though. Saturday night she took a bottle and it was like it all of a suddem just stopped. So we came home yesterday, but for 6 days she couldn't keep a bottle down at all. I just pray that we don't have anymore of these episodes!!


0 said...

This sounds just like what we went through w/ Analyce. They did the drinking the white stuff and constant Xray thing w/ her too. Turned out, once they FINALLY started her on the Prevacid for reflux she was fine!! They just wanted the med to be the LAST option, I guess. Hope everything gets back to normal & they get things figured out for Kensley!

Ali said...

John Hallman has acid reflux, but the fever part doesn't go along with that. Just so strange. Glad ya'll are back home, and I've been praying for her.

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