Sunday, September 21, 2008

Little under the weather

Friday we had to take Kensley to the ped. she has a low grade fever(always scary) and was stopped up. She has been wheezing for several weeks, and seems to be getting more frequent. She gave us some med. for her acid reflux and said that it could be causing her to breath like that, so we tried it over the weekend and still no progress, so I am suppose to call in the AM and let them know. It has had be frantic since there is alot of asthma in the family. I hope everything turns out ok. We are going to try a breathing machine tomorrow and see if it helps any, and if not we will see a allergy specialist. Hope it is nothing though!!!

Blair has also been a little under the weather, has had a terrible cough and runny nose. Think that may have triggered Kensley's stopped up nose, but hopefully they will both be better soon. Blair starts gymnastics tomorrow and she is super excited, we went yesterday and got her a leotard! It is to cute!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

5 weeks!

Yesterday Kensley was 5 weeks old!! I can't believe how fast the first month flew by. She is sleeping great at night, usually doesn't wake up until about 5!! I lucked up! She is usually always happy excpet for nap time, she fights her sleep, but its usually only during the day. When she was 3 weeks, she weighed 10. 9 so I can only imagine how big she is now, she is a little chunk!

Blair is doing so well in school. She reads so well, I swear I think she is gifted ha! She pulled her first top tooth over the weekend!! She was so excited! ANd she is loving being a big sister!!

Monday, September 1, 2008

My first bath!

I fell asleep on my own in the swing!
Sorry, I couldn't get it turned around!

My First Bath!!!

Friend's & Family's Blog
