Wednesday, August 27, 2008

An update!

She doesn't look like she is only 2 weeks old!!!
Daddy's Little Girl!

Labor didn't go as expected. They ended up having to do the epidural twice because it was not working, and they 2nd time wasn't any better. I wasn't making any progress so they had to do a c-section, where they had to do a spinal block since the epidural wasn't working. Luckily Kensley arrived safe and healthy, weighing 9lbs. 3oz and was 19 3/4 in. long!!! Last Wed. she was one week and she started vomiting and running a low grade fever so the Dr. told us to take her to the ER where we spent 4 long days in the hospital, but luckily all test were clear and they doc's said it must have been a bug!! We go to the caridoligist next Friday, and I pray that the murmur has closed on its own. Please keep us in your prayers over the next week and pray we get a good result!

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